What is a web application? Explanation & advantages at a glance

Web applications offer companies of well-visited websites in particular an excellent opportunity not only to show users comprehensively personalized information, but also to actively involve them in what is happening. This makes for an all-around positive UX/UI experience.

But web applications often raise many questions due to their complex technology. Hand on heart: Did you also think until now that web application and websites are the same? Understandable, but far from it! In the following text, you will learn everything you need to know about the topic in a compact form.

What exactly is a web application?

With a dynamic website, part of the web content is permanently flexible. In this way, personalized content such as texts, image galleries or videos can be integrated and played out again and again as soon as the page is called up by a person. The application program, or the software behind it, is called a web application. Other synonyms include web application (web app) or online application.

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Web apps are almost always system independent

The respective web application is located on a remote server and is made available via a browser interface when a page is called up on the Internet. The beauty of this is that web applications are thus not usually dependent on a particular operating system. They also do not have to be installed on the user’s end device first, as is the case with classic software solutions. There are only a small number of exceptions where access, mostly intentional, is only possible via a specific server.

We encounter web applications every day

The majority of existing websites today contain web applications. The application possibilities are extremely diverse. The best-known web applications include e-commerce stores, for example. Google is one of the best-known players and at the same time a pioneer among web app providers.

Most likely, you are also one of the users of Google Workspace application such as Gmail, Google Docs or Google Sheets. Skype, YouTube or LinkedIn, for example, are also web applications.

Web applications

Any questions?

How do web applications work?

Access to web apps runs directly through the web browser. Common browsers include the open source software Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. IPhone users are familiar with Apple Safari.

Three things are necessary for a web application to function:

  • The web server: It is responsible for managing the applications coming from the client in the web area.
  • The application server: The application server does what is asked.
  • The database: The relevant information is stored on it.

Web application development usually does not require large teams, but it does require subject matter experts with the necessary know-how. Hiring an agency like NINEbrackets can be worth its weight in gold here.

Different types of web applications

There is a whole range of different web applications. They are primarily classifiable into five different web app types:

Web portal

These include, for example, the employee, commercial and patient portals. Users are provided with a self-service area. Among other things, they can manage their personal data and, depending on it, book visit appointments, request vacations, access their e-mails or manage their finances.

Web applications for the e-commerce sector

Web apps in e-commerce offer a unique opportunity to gain customer trust through a variety of features. There are almost countless different e-commerce web applications that can be extremely profitable for companies of different sizes. Classic web applications include e-shops and various booking systems across all industries.

Microsites / Micro Websites

In this type of web application, the goal is to create an independent page that, for example, displays only the most important company information or draws attention to an event. What initially sounds easy in development is often the opposite. Microsites or micro-websites require a strong skill of the designer due to the intentionally strong interactivity or many animations.

Enterprise Web Application

This is aimed at the use of departments and teams in companies. Together, an app can be accessed and managed. Rights are assigned individually. Enterprise web apps are a great way, especially for remote operations, to keep communication flowing across different time zones and keep the project on track.

Web application for business automation

Daily routine tasks in companies often require a lot of time and resources. This includes document management as well as various internal process structures. Web apps can provide valuable support here.We will be happy toadvise you on your options.

What technologies are used for web applications?

Web applications are usually written in the basic programming languages frontend HTML, CSS or JavaScript. Thus, like regular websites, they follow the classic client service model. The example of a typical application here is, for example, access via HTTP in the IP network.

AJAX promises a UX experience at its best

Any frontend UX designer will also tell you all about AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Asynchronous data transfer between a browser and the server makes it possible for parts of the website to change dynamically during HTTP requests, while the static content remains unchanged.

The big advantage is that the website does not have to reload every time. This is exactly the case with classic web applications. When using AJAX, we also talk about Smooth Page Transitions. Comparatively often worlds simplified, the user interface promises a picture-perfect user experience (UX experience). Especially if you own a high traffic site, this will save you a lot of time and traffic.

The LAMP stack gets more and more competition

Within the backend programming you are basically flexible. Frequently used is the LAMP stack, as it can be applied to quite a large number of websites. LAMP is an acronym indicating the bundling of the following open source technologies:

  • Linux operating system
  • Apache web server,
  • Database server MySQL and
  • PHP programming language

Over the last few years, more and more alternatives to the LAMP stack have come onto the market. For example, the MERN or MEAN stack consists of the following individual components:

  • Web server express.js
  • Programming language JavaScript (Node.js)
  • Database MongoDB

At MERN, we work with React within the frontend development, at MEAN we work with Angular.

Differences between a web application vs. website

Both are called up via the browser, consist of a front and back end, and often have the same programming language in the background. Quite logically, web application and website are often considered synonyms. However, they are not in any case.

So where is the difference? This becomes clearest when you look at the purpose fulfillment as well as the structure:


When a user comes to a website, they receive valuable information in the form of text, images or videos. He can get an idea of the company and its offer, be guided through the menu, get inspiration, buy things. A good website has a nice design, a winning structure and convinces with a simple menu navigation.

The structure of a website is geared to the target group. It is also possible to install personalization. Nevertheless, a website is never aimed precisely at the specific individual within the target group that is currently visiting the website. The user’s behavior on the website does not change its content, because that is simply not the goal. The visitor also doesn’t have the ability to access things directly, capture documents, or interact live with the company, for example.

Web application

A web application, on the other hand, serves the purpose of allowing users to use it, as the name suggests. The functions are more sophisticated than on a website. Let’s take the example of Google Docs. The user can write, modify, delete or, for example, leave comments in it.

This is exactly what works for web applications that act like a regular website. Here, too, the user can respond to forms or start a live chat, for example. The content displayed changes with the user’s behavior and is personalized for the individual user. In terms of security, dual verification and other measures are essential for web applications because the information stored is highly sensitive.

The biggest advantages of web applications at a glance

  • Comprehensive management is possible by all project members
  • Information exchange in real time
  • Access to the web app from anywhere (home office, remote)
  • Possibility of offline functionality
  • Interaction with other systems
  • Integration and use on all devices possible
  • Unbound from operating system
  • Various functional integrations and extensions possible
  • Integration of further systems and tools possible
  • Scalability
  • A/B test method possible

Conclusion - NINE brackets, the best partner for web applications

A web application does not target only the audience like a website, but can be personalized to the designated person who is currently visiting your website. This results in a high-quality customer experience.

Web applications offer many advantages over classic websites when implemented correctly. Web applications are worthwhile for many industries and regardless of the size of the company. We are happy to help you with the implementation of your web app. Take a look at our successful customer projects and book your free consultation appointment today. We are looking forward to meeting you!